Friday 28 October 2011

NOTES from Chapter 5 Section 4

May 10 1775 - 2nd Continental Congress (met to discuss Lexington and Concord)
Delegates included: Sam and John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Benjamin Franklin

Important accomplishments/events of 2nd Continental Congress: 1775 - Create Continental Army and make George Washington head of it.
Sent Olive Branch Petition to England (this fails)

1776 - Declare Independence

Other things happening during this time:

1775 (December): Battle of Quebec, headed by Richard Montgomery and Benedict Arnold (this invasion into Canada fails and the Americans retreat back to Fort Ticonderoga in 1776)

Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense (1776) which influences Americans in their declaring independence. Nearly everyone who could read, read it. Those who couldn't read had it read to them.

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