Monday, 31 October 2011


SOAP the Document:  Making Primary Source Documents 
Come Clean! 

Who wrote the document? 

What is the author’s background/point of view?  

Whose point of view, given the topic, is 

Do you consider the source a reliable one on this topic?  Why/why not? 


When was the document written? 

What does the date of the document tell you about its content? 

What other historical events were going on during this time? 


To whom is the author writing? 

What type of document is this (diary entry, personal letter, public speech, 

Does the private/public nature of the document inform you about its content 
(is the author sharing private thoughts, making a public pronouncement, 


Why was the document written?  What is the purpose of the document? 

What is the document saying? 

Friday, 28 October 2011

NOTES from Chapter 5 Section 4

May 10 1775 - 2nd Continental Congress (met to discuss Lexington and Concord)
Delegates included: Sam and John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Benjamin Franklin

Important accomplishments/events of 2nd Continental Congress: 1775 - Create Continental Army and make George Washington head of it.
Sent Olive Branch Petition to England (this fails)

1776 - Declare Independence

Other things happening during this time:

1775 (December): Battle of Quebec, headed by Richard Montgomery and Benedict Arnold (this invasion into Canada fails and the Americans retreat back to Fort Ticonderoga in 1776)

Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense (1776) which influences Americans in their declaring independence. Nearly everyone who could read, read it. Those who couldn't read had it read to them.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Road to Independence - Chapter 5 Section 1

Here the things that the class noted as important:

1763 - The Proclamation of 1763: prohibited colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains. This allowed the British government control of westward movement; protected British interests of the fur trade; avoided conflict with Natives. Colonists did not like this.

Britain needs to raise money to pay off its debt.

1764 - Sugar Act - lowered to the tax on molasses imported by colonist. This was done to nix smuggling.

1765 - Stamp Act: tax on all printed matter. This act affected nearly every colonists. Mass boycotts and protests lead this act to be repealed.

1766 - Declaration Act - Parliament has a right to tax and make decisions for the colonies.

1767 - Townshend Acts - tax applied to imported goods, tax paid at port of entry.

These acts caused a uproar with the colonists and paved the way for revolution.

Quotes: "No taxation without representation." - James Otis

"If this be treason, make the most of it!" - Patrick Henry

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

French and Indian War: OUTCOMES

Though most of the fighting ended on the 8th of September, 1760, the war officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on February 10, 1763.Although the war itself stemmed from a fairly simple motivation, its consequences were far- reaching. The French Indian War outcome decided the colonial fate of North America, and yet at the same time sowed the seeds of the eventual colonial revolution.
The Most Important French Indian War outcome resulted in France’s loss of all its North American possessions east of the Mississippi, except Saint Pierre and Miquelon, (two small islands off Newfoundland). France recovered the Caribbean Islands and Martinique, which were formerly occupied by British.
Another French Indian War outcome was Britain’s gaining control of French Canada, a colony containing approximately 65,000 French-speaking, Roman Catholic residents. The war altered the relationship between Britain and its colonies including economically, politically, and socially. It put Britain in debt and the Crown decided to fund repayment with harsh taxes on its colonies. These taxes were not appreciated by the colonies and contributed greatly to the American Revolutionary War.

The French Indian War outcome also had lasting and devastating effects for the Native American tribes of North America. The British took revenge against Native American nations that fought on the side of the French by cutting off their supplies and then forcibly compelling the tribes to obey the rules of the new mother country. With the French gone, the British government focused its attention on the Native American tribes that lay along its path. All these factors played a role to determine the multinational Indian revolt called "Pontiac’s War" that erupted directly following the French Indian War outcome.

One of the most important outcomes of the French Indian War for America was that America had, at the end, men who were armed and who knew how to fight in armies, and men who were experienced at leading armies. Common citizens learned to fight with discipline, and many colonists became great leaders of their years. When the colonists became frustrated with the taxation and levies placed on them, they already knew how to take up arms and had experienced men to lead them. There is no denying that if there had never been a French and Indian War, there might not have been a Revolutionary War, at least not then. The French Indian War outcome in conclusion saw Britain emerge firmly entrenched as a world power.

* What are the reasons the war starts and spreads to become a world war?
*What are the reasons the French lost?
*How does the British turn the tide of the War?
* What are the results of the war?
* How did the war begin?
*What was George Washington's role in the war and how did it prepare him for the Revolution?
* Why were the following people important:
Edward Braddock, Half-King, Marquis de Montcalm, James Wolfe, General Forbes, William Pitt.
* Discuss the Native Indians role and importance in the war. What battles did they fight in? How did they change the power structure? What agenda did they have?
* The French and Indian war begin over what area of land?
* Why did the Native Americans take captives? Was this an effective practice?
* Discuss the importance of the following battles: William and Henry, Carillion, Monongahela River, Fort Necessary.
* How does William Pitt’s strategies change the war.
* How do the British treat Washington when he asks for a Royal Commission?
* Discuss the culture clash that happens at Fort William and Henry.
* What is the difference between the European and Native codes of honor?

Also know the following:

Discuss the importance of the following in helping create America.

John Peter Zenger
Salem Witch Trials
Jonathan Edwards and The Great Awakening
King Phillips War
The Massacre at Mystic
Iroquois Confederacy

CLICK ON THE TITLE for a link to an interesting youtube video.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

French and Indian War

If you want a website based on the documentary, please go here

You might want to look at the media and education sections. A list of events and people involved with the each side of the war should be found on the education section. The media section should have an interactive map. If you need help email me at

Good luck and have FUN! I look forward to seeing your movies.

Monday, 3 October 2011

French and Indian War PART III

Date Events Covered
July 1758 British attack French Fort Carillon [Ticonderoga]on Lake George.
Conflict between crown and colonial legislatures, especially Massachusetts.
Under Pitt, colonists start to see themselves as partners with the British in fight for empire.
Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
Bradstreet leads attack on French Fort Frontenac
Crippling British attack against French at Louisbourg
Corrupt French officials and indifference of French king hinder French war effort.
On western Pennsylvania frontier smallpox, brought home by warriors, ravages Indian villages
Forbes prepares to take Fort Duquesne, with Indians as full allies.

Study Questions for PART III

1) Why the British government and its American colonies change in 1758?
2) How did colonial participation in the war change?
3) What were the reasons for, and the results of, the British victories over the French in 1758?
4) Why was Fort Duquesne important to the British and French?
5) How did General Forbes reach out diplomatically to Indian nations?
6) How did diplomacy contribute to the British victory at Fort Duquesne in 1758?
7) How did the British victory at Fort Duquesne affect the Indians of the
Ohio River Valley?

Sunday, 2 October 2011

French and Indian War Projects

French and Indian War: Projects

You group will need to make a video presentation of the following information:

1) Important battles that your group fought in and the outcome (make sure to think about the following: Fort Necessity, Fort William and Henry, The Battle of Carillon, The Battle of Quebec),
2) A map with the battles on it,
3) Famous people connect with your side (you should include a picture of each and should have at least 3 people),
4) Your group’s strategy for winning the war
5) The outcome of the war and how it effects you
6) You should reenact an important event from the war

This project is worth 120 points.

Each section about is worth 15 points and the quality of the video is worth 30 points.