Thursday 9 February 2012

Homework for Trip

Finish reading Zinn chapter 9, Study and Know the following information:

3) What was the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment?
4) How was the 14th Amendment reinterpreted? How was the 15th Amendment interrupted?
5) List ways a slave rebelled.
6) Zinn tries to show slavery from a slaves perspective, what are three things he says?
7) After the Civil War how did the South prevent former slaves from attaining power?
8) Why didn't former slaves more after the Civil War?
9) Name two slave uprisings.
10) How many people died in the Civil War?
11) Give the dates of the war.

Bull Run
Sherman’s March to the Sea

Albert Sidney Johnson
Ulysses S. Grant
Joe Johnson
Joe Hooker
Tecumseh Sherman
Robert E Lee
Thomas Stonewall Jackson
A.P. Hill
James Longstreet
Booker T Washington
Sojourner Truth
Harriet Tubman
Frederick Douglas

1) Why does the author suggest that John Brown had a sense of humor?
2) What was John Brown's plan?
3) Why did John Brown become a symbol?
4) When and why did South Carolina succeed from the Union?
5) List some of the advantages of the North at the beginning of the war. List some of the advantages of the South at the beginning of the war.
6) List some of the (5) famous battles of the Civil War with a brief description of each.
7) How do you view Lincoln's suspension of "the writ of habeas corpus"?
8) What if Lee's plan had not been found at the battle of Antiem?
9) What was the reconstruction?
10) Why did the Klu Klux Klan form?
11) Discuss Andrew Johnson's impeachment.

How did the Civil War shape our lives today?

Name three ways the Civil War changed the South.

What constitutional right did Lincoln suspend?

List the four border states.

Why did West Virginia form?

What disadvantages did the South fact?

Why did the Confederate States believe they had a right to leave the Union?

What were the three main strategies of the Union?

What was the average age of soldiers who fought in the Civil War?

What was the outcome of Bull Run?

Discuss the Battle of Shiloh.

What were Lincoln’s reasons for the Emancipation Proclamation?

What did the 13th Amendment do?

How was the Civil War a rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight?

Discuss the draft laws in the north.

Discuss the importance of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg.

How did Sherman use “Total War” against the South?

Who were the Presidents of the Confederacy and the United States during the Civil War?

What, exactly, did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

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