Thursday 5 January 2012

Manifest Destiny 1/5

Objectives: Understanding the reasons behind the Texan War for Independence and The Mexican- American War.

Note: James K Polk is considered by many historians one of the great Presidents. He is the only President to accomplish everything he promised to do before elected. What do you think of his promises?

Today we are going to read chapter 12 in your textbooks and begin answering the study questions.

Chapter 12

Sections 1-4

1) What was Manifest Destiny?
2) The Oregon Territory consisted of what area? Who claimed it?
3) Who were the Mountain Men?
4) Why was the Oregon Trail important?
5) Discuss the meaning behind the slogan "Fifty-Four Forty or Fight"?
6) James Polk made what promises to the American public during the election of 1844 (list four - you might need to look up on the internet).
7) Discuss how Texas became independent.
8) Discuss the battles of The Alamo and San Jacinto.
9) How long did it take the U.S. to annex Texas? Why?
10) How did the Mexican-American War start? Why did it start? Was it a "Just War"?
11) What was the American response to the war?
12) List the major battles of the war.
13) What was the cost of the war?
14) Why was the California Gold Rush important?
15) Answer the following questions on page 380 - #6 - #10, #13-#15.

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